Latest Update: February 13, 2025
| Liberty Park Rain-Out Hotline Number 952-3445 |
Dan Deratany Website Editor Click FHC Logo above to Access
(Click above to access their Website) |
Presented By: The Brevard Super Senior Softball League, Inc.
(Click above to access the Thursday Night League Website) |
Click Google Earth Above For Aerial |
(Click Local Weather Radar Above To Access) Rain-Out Hotline Number 952-3445 |
To Contact Us: Paul Mouritsen 223-8913 Dan Deratany 543-1885 Team Managers Harry Bermudez 321-431-2999 Larry Cudney 772-473-3632 Rich Cote 321-412-3491 Joe Pavlock 240-793-6272 Jerry Larson 321-288-5304 Stan McDavid 321-749-7288 Ruben Serabols (646-404-4196) Team Sponsors RIVERSIDE REALTY ORIOLES RELENTLESS NORTHBORO BUILDERS PIZZAVOLA LAUNCH CREDIT UNION
The Goals of the Brevard Super Senior Softball League are:
P rovide a healthy sporting activity for senior men 55 and over - An opportunity to make new friends - Enjoy one evening a week in friendly competition - Encourage each other while promoting fair play and teamwork.
The Brevard Super Senior Softball League is governed by a Board of Directors with the following goals: (1) Establish as evenly balanced teams as possible for each 13 week season, to have competitive balance. (2) Players joining after the league begins play will be placed on a waiting list and assigned to a team as the need arises, while maintaining the other goals. (3) Oversee the participants play and behavior, in order to address issues that arise that are not consistent with the leagues goals and published rules. __________________________________________________________________________________ (Click on the Team Rosters and Master Schedule above to view)
(Click above Application Form link to view, fill out, and print)
(Click above for PAY PAL Payment) There is a $1.80 Convenience Fee added for using Pay Pal IF YOU CHOOSE TO PAY THROUGH PAY PAL, YOU MUST SEND THE APPLICATION BY MAIL ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Click above Sponsorship Form link to view and print) ____________________________________________________________________
(Click on BSSSL Rules and Regulations above to access:)
Click on link above to view __________________________________________________________________________________________
Monday Night League 2025 SPRING LEAGUE SEASON
During the regular season, and the playoffs, in case of a tie in the standings, head to head record will be first tie breaker. If still tied, then run differential between the tied teams will be second tie breaker. If still tied, then total run differential will be third tie breaker. If still tied, a coin toss will break the tie.
February 10th Game Results
Upcoming Games
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYER STATISTICS (Updated Player Statistics as of the February 3rd Games)
Thank you Paul Mouritsen for doing a great job of logging the stats for our league.
(Click on the Team Names above to access Batting Averages) ___________________________________________________________________________
Standings (Team Managers please report all over-the-fence homeruns and they will be added to this list)
Rob Milnor (ORIOLES) 1
Article 1:
Abide by the
“Official Senior
Softball Guide and Playing Rules”
to the best of my ability.
Article 2: Accept the decision of the umpires and my team
manager in good sportsmanship.
Article 3: Neither taunt nor degrade my opponent.
Article 4:
bodily contact that may cause injury to others or myself.
Article 5:
direct abusive or profane language at officials or opponents.
Article 6: Exercise control over family members and
friends to the extent of Articles 3 and 5.
Article 7:
commit any act that could be considered unsportsmanlike conduct.
Understanding How Teams are Drafted in our League By Paul Mouritsen At the end of each season the managers rate their players from 1 to 6. The ratings encompass hitting (OPS), throwing, fielding, running and general softball knowledge. The Board uses these ratings to prepare for the drafting of players for the new teams. The number of teams determines the number of columns on the Board. For example, if the league will have seven teams, the players are put on the Board in seven columns, beginning with the top rated players on the first line and going down to the lower rated players. The player and his position is on the Board. This includes the managers who are put on the board according to their position and rating. Depending on the number of players signed up, we many have 13 or 14 or even 15 lines. Everyone who has registered and paid by the date the teams are organized are assigned to a team. The managers draw numbers from a hat which decides the draft order. Number one picks first and then number two, down through number seven. The manager may pick from the current line or one line below. For example, He may not go down three lines to draft someone. After each round is completed, the draft order is shuffled, ensuring that each manager gets the same number of first picks, second picks, down to seventh picks. It is up to the manager to draft his team according to his needs. He has to ensure he drafts four outfielders and seven infielders to include a pitcher and a catcher. Once each team has eleven players, the remaining players are drafted to round out the teams. Some of these players are catchers, some are fill in outfielders and/or fill in infielders. Managers should make sure they have at least two pitchers. Accommodations are generally made for players who request to play with another player and, for some who request not to play with another player. ______________________________________________________________________ Have You Ever Wondered How Miken Bats Are Made Click on the following link to see the process of how the Miken Carbon Fiber Bats are really made, most of it is by hand, it's very interesting, check it out! _______________________________________________________________________ BSSSL HALL OF FAME PLAYERS
Tournament Team Article
(Click above to read article) ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ "The Man From Castor River Bottom" Our old softball buddy, BSSSL Hall of Fame player, Bucky Miller has written a complete western novel that is now available on Amazon Kindle, it can be found by using the authors name "David Miller" or the title of the book, "The Man From Castor River Bottom". Check it out...
_______________________________________________________________________ Click on logo above to access FSSA
Check out the YouTube videos provided by Ed Rose
Extra Innings Documentary Film ( (Click above to access the film's Trailer)
A documentary about a team of competitive senior citizens attempting to stay young at heart in a game they love, like life, filled with its ups and downs. Chasing their dream of a second consecutive world softball championship in Las Vegas. The Film expresses the preparation and sacrifices required to compete at the highest level of this sport as well as life itself. During their remarkable journey you meet them up close as they share some of their deepest moments of joy, happiness, and tears of sorrow as they move deeper into their life. Several team members will share their personal struggles and successes in their life’s journey. Also, appearance by radio talk host Jack Krasula and 2-time Mr. Universe, Peter Nielsen, as they share their concept that life is a series of chapters, While discovering the secret of staying young is to realize that age is just a number and the most important thing in our life’s journey is not the destination, but the journey !!
"EXTRA INNINGS" Episode #1: #2: Episode #3: Episode #4: ____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE: NO SMOKING ALLOWED at LIBERTY PARK Message from Troy Cox, Palm Bay Parks & Rec Dept Attention all Liberty Park and Palm Bay Regional Park users especially Church Softball, Senior Softball, Flag Football, Baseball, & Recreation Partners: There is NO SMOKING permitted at Liberty Park or Palm Bay Regional Park athletic fields & facilities. Signs are posted everywhere especially at the Softball Complex. Previously, ash sand boxes were present to give people a place to put their smoking items out safely so they did not throw butts on the ground or in the trash containers causing a fire and a maintenance nightmare. However, the message was not clear to people who insisted on smoking anyway and thus causing a health hazard for folks who do not smoke even after being told to put out their smoking item. The Ash Sand Boxes are being removed immediately. There is no mix message here---------NO Smoking means No Smoking. People who do not adhere to the rules & policies can be trespassed from the property. Please listen & adhere to the message. Our Playing Rules & Policies are CLEAR that Smoking is not permitted. Our Staff will be monitoring more closely and will enforce the No Smoking Policy. Please pass the word that this a SMOKE FREE area. We expect our Organizations to police themselves as well and keep this a healthy environment for ALL. Please post our message on your Organization’s website. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Troy Cox, CPRP _______________________________________________________________________
The following companies have graciously agreed to sponsor teams in our league, please consider giving them your support when in need of their types of services, those companies are:
Click on Sponsors Names Below to Link to their Websites
Jeff Deratany, Realtor (321-223-4577) _____________________________________________________________ 321-455-9400 ext.1204
Please Support these Players in our League The following is a list of players in our league and their specialties you might want to consider using when needing the type of services they offer. It's always nice dealing with friends you know and you can trust:
Name Occupation Phone number Thomas M. Masone Massage Therapy 772-664-8435 Mike Rios Realtor 321-368-8771 Dan Deratany General Contractor 321-543-1885 Marty Jacobson Chiropractor 321-725-7003 Bill Kunzweiler Estate & Personal Liquidation 321-537-2574 Braun Bransford Tile Setter & Handyman 321-951-0524 Ed Beigel Bat Sales 772-559-4497 Gino Alleva Mattress Firm/Mattress Sales 321-698-6257
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ We are fortunate to have in our league a couple of softball players that are excellent hitters and willing to share their expertise with anyone interested in learning how to improve their hitting skills. Check out the info below from both Lou Jiannine and Ed Rose and sharpen your skills: ______________________________________________________________________ Lou Jiannine is a student of the hitting art and he is writing a series of articles on bats and batting for our website. Lou says, "selecting and using the correct softball bat is essential for the hitter who seeks to maximize his effectiveness." Just click on the following articles to review: 2. "Selecting the Optimum Bat Weight" 3. "Balanced and End Loaded Bats" 6. Scorekeeping and Statistics for Slow Pitch Softball Teams
______________________________________________________________________ Ed Rose is a master in the art of hitting and a welcomed addition to our league for the past two years. For those of you who didn't know, in 1999 Ed Rose was inducted into the National Senior Softball Hall of Fame, he has over 20 world titles to his name as a player and manager. Ed has recently written a Hitting Instructional Paper to help you fine tune your hitting skills and he has graciously agreed to share it...To review it just click on "The Three T's of Hitting" below. The Art of Hitting a Slowpitch Softball Using
Ted Williams and Ed Rose, back in the day... ______________________________________________________________________ Marty Jacobson, who is one of our League Directors, is also a Chiropractic Physician, he has written a few great articles as it relates to Senior Softball Injuries, Check them out by clicking on the following links, you'll be glad you did!
By Marty Jacobson Article #1, Senior Softball Sports Injuries and Preventions Article #2, (Shoulder Injuries) Article #3, (Achilles Tendinosis) (Click on the above links to view articles) STRETCHING EXERCISES Check out the “Stretching Exercises 1 & 2 below to help you prevent injury by using the proper stretching techniques. It is very important, especially at our age, to show up at the field prior to the games and spend time jogging around the field at a slow pace, just to get warmed up prior to stretching out your leg muscles; this will help prevent leg injuries during the games. Also, it is a great idea to purchase a pair of “compression shorts” to wear under your softball shorts or pants; they really do make a difference. Stretching Exercises 1 Stretching Exercises 2 ____________________________________________________ Click on their name above to access their website and check out their catalog. _______________________________________________________________ By David "Bucky" Miller
Carl Miller (Please click on Carl's photo above to read his heroic story) ___________________________________________________________________ The Greatest Play In Baseball History (Click above to see the Greatest Play in Baseball History Video) ___________________________________________________________ John Fogerty Singing "Centerfield" and Abbott and Costello's "Who's On First" Click on above links to watch the videos and listen to the song __________________________________________________________ Video Dedicated to Umpires, Check it out! The International Senior Softball Association (ISSA) made public a video dedicated to the outstanding ASA Umpires who have worked over 5000 slow-pitch games since 1995 at ISSA and ISF Senior Tournaments and whose support and commitment to the senior division has made these events special for the senior players. Thanks to Charles Moss, Umpire-In-Chief for his untiring efforts over the years that made each tournament a rewarding experience for all the participants. The video titled Play Hard at the ISSA is posted on You Tube at: _______________________________________________________________
For a Little
More Humor Click on the Jokes Below
Sent in by Dick Chamberlain
Sent in by Johnny Leader
Sent in by Dan Deratany ______________________________________________________ Dugout Protocol For Using Another's Bat By Bill Kunzweiler One of the decisions players must make when joining a softball league pertains to equipment choices. So often they hastily go out and buy a new bat or glove without the benefit of others experience; and often they are unhappy with the performance of their acquisition, especially in the area of bat choice. Those “Old-Timers”, who play a lot generally know what works the best and where to get it! As most know, online internet purchases from sites like “Direct Sports”, if you mention FHS (Florida Half Century) softball, there is a significant discount. That’s where most get their Miken Ultra II’s, which brings up another subject and that is “dugout protocol”. It’s always appropriate to ask someone if you want to use their bat; never just grab someone’s bat without their permission. Especially since good composite bats cost a lot and wear out after so many swings. Generally they start at $185.00 on sale and go up from there. So as a matter of team protocol and respect, always get permission to use another’s equipment! Please checkout the three articles in the Batter's Box, that Lou Jiannine has written for our league, he has provided us with some very valuable bat information. ______________________________________________________________
Are you having problems viewing some of the links on this website? If you can’t open some of the links on this website you may need to download and install a free copy of Adobe Acrobat to enable you to view the PDF files, such as Stretching Exercises, Team Rosters, Master Schedule, etc. Just click on the link to Adobe Reader below to access it. _______________________________________________________________________
A LITTLE SOFTBALL TEAM HISTORY Dodgers Shirts Given to Undefeated Team Players On Monday night retired team shirts were distributed to the Dodgers players of the only team in BSSA or BSSSL league history to record an undefeated season at 26-0, which includes two more wins for the end of the season tournament championship. The Summer 2009 season league championship team, the McMaster Construction Dodgers (pictured below), set a few league records that season; in addition to being undefeated, they were only the second team to ever score 20+ victories in a season, they also scored a record 182 runs more than their opponents, and they were the stingiest team in the league to score against. What a Defense!!! The Dodgers dedicated the last four games of the season to teammate Paul Osiecki, who had died during the season, he was the catcher and backup pitcher for the Dodgers. Team manager, Dan Deratany attributed their success to their excellent defensive efforts, in addition to being a group of great guys who had terrific chemistry together, no super stars, but a lot of great enthusiastic team players. “Every player on that team encouraged and cheered each other on, when you have that combination, along with a very vocally supportive fan base in the stands weekly, it makes you play better and you just can’t be anything other than a winning team, it’s all about team effort and team spirit.”
Undefeated McMaster Construction Dodgers players: From left- Ray Mazara, Dave Cosumano, Chester Johnson, Joe Schier, Freddy Mazara, Bill Peters, Mike Rios, Toby Flanary, Rob Scarfone, Steve Colantonio, Team Manager-Dan Deratany, and, kneeling Jim Hardin. (Missing from the photo, Paul Osiecki) Great job this season Guys, what a team!!! ________________________________________________________________________ Your Feedback is Requested
We would appreciate any feedback players might have regarding improvements we can make as far as running our league. We do have some concerns in regard to decreased attendance by players for games during this past season and we want to consider ways that we can improve on this. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding rules you would like to see changed or added please take this opportunity to let us know. Lastly, we would like to hear how would you rate your overall experience this past season. Remember, our league is very unique. Not only are we a "seniors only" league, we are a self governed league. That means we all have a say in how things are run, so take this opportunity to let us know how you feel, by emailing us at